Is your family properly protected? Take the first step to ensure your family’s protection (and your peace of mind) when you attend one of our fun, informative events. We look forward to seeing you there!
Check out our latest UPCOMING EVENTS…
Estate Planning For Parents
You Are a GREAT parent. And you ADORE your children.
In this educational, informative, empowering class —for parents with minor children — Lela will share what you need to know to make the most loving, smartest and best legal choices when it comes to answering one of life’s most anxiety-producing questions: wonder if something happened to me and I couldn’t be here for my children?
She will guide you to take charge and ensure you have done the right thing so that your children are taken care of by the people you want, in the way you want, no matter what.
Sacred Estate Planning for Seniors
Even if you’ve previously completed an estate plan, your family could be left with a financial nightmare at your death. In this free class, learn how to safeguard against the unintended consequences of today’s typical estate planning. You’ll also discover how to leave a lasting legacy that captures not only your financial assets, but your values, stories, insights and experience (often, what families most cherish).